Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Pink NHL?

With estimates of the NHL having an audience comprising 40% female, come October each NHL team will have a pink jersey for sale. The players themselves won't wear them on the ice, but with the bulkiness of the regular jerseys not making much fashion sense for women to wear (or so the thinking goes), the NHL figures it's missing out on some dollars here.

This isn't really a new thing, the NBA and NFL have done the same for the last two years, but it will be interesting to see if they take off for hockey. They will retail for $40 less than a replica jersey, and I also read there will also be a baby blue colour available.

It would be cool if they donated some of the proceeds to breast cancer research, not only would they sell a lot but also charity would benefit immensely. We'll see how it does.

Of course, let's show the Leafs one. Does your favourite team plan on producing a pink jersey? If so, why don't we see that one on the blog SBP?
My reply to your comment is in two parts:

1."...come October each NHL team will have a pink jersey for sale". So even my favourite team will have one, too.

2. It's my blog, I'll put whatever team jersey I want! So here the sucky Leafs get the nod.
I can't wait to see all the Pink #6's next year.
This idea is so two years ago.Not only that, but the women I know are offended by the notion they 'need' a different jersey. They want the real thing, just like most guys do.
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