Sunday, November 07, 2010

I've never heard her cry like that

Sophie-Anne was great today. We went to a family lunch thing this morning and followed that up with a friend's birthday party for their newly adopted one year old son. Sophie-Anne was being the ham like she usually is for these get-togethers, flashing her smiles for anyone that will give her 10 seconds of attention. She fussed just a couple of times because she wanted to take a nap so all in all, no complaints about her today.

But when we had her down in her chair just to play around with her tonight, as she sort of started talking back to us in ways only a baby can, she just started to cry for no apparent reason. When I took her out of chair she screamed like I've never heard her scream before, almost like she was in dire pain. I took her upstairs to change her like M-C suggested, mostly because we thought maybe her diaper was on too tight or something. You never really know, you can only take a guess. As I put her down on the bed, she screamed so loud she lost her voice and started to cough. And that's when I got so scared, I scooped her up and tried to calm her down but she still cried. We laid out a mat and put her on it then took off her diaper and let her have her naked time as we call it, as she likes just being "au naturel" for some reason. M-C had just fed her less than an hour before, but when gets upset it's usually because she's hungry, so we went that route.

Sophie-Anne seems okay now. She dozed off while feeding and we put her down in her moses basket. She got up and started to fuss some more, but her soother calmed her down and she's still sleeping as I type this. Likely, it's just nothing. But...I really don't want to hear that scream again. I'm going to remember that one for a long time.

Oh, that's so frightening. They're so helpless and they look at you as if to ask why you can't make things better. So you try and hope it works.

The communication certainly improves, even before they're able to say proper words, because at some point they realize what you're saying and can gesture or make some sort of sound to acknowledge. Then you understand what they're saying, too!

I hope Sophie-Anne is feeling okay now. Maybe it was just gas? That used to be Margo's biggest pain as a newborn. It still breaks my heart to hear her "scared" cry. Luckily all her cries these days are of the "angry tantrum" variety. heh
Apparently these types of screams are more common than I thought. I still don't actually know what was wrong, but after getting fed she was okay, but then again, she's never gotten upset THAT much when she's been hungry. I'll still likely freak out again if she screams that way another time, it's definitely not a day at the beach when it happens.
The only "days at the beach" with kids are the literal kind. I hate seeing my kids suffer in any way and totally understand your concern.
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