Sunday, August 08, 2010

Why I Do this to Myself?

When it comes to scary movies, I'm an absolute coward chicken. Even though I'm fully aware "something is going to pop up" because the background music has changed while the lead character is by him or herself holding a flashlight in the dark to investigate a "noise", well, for the most part I'll skip on seeing scary movies because I know I'll have a heart attack.

But once in awhile I'll get suckered in. Even a black and white picture several decades old (Psycho) will still burn images in my brain long-remembered. I have a trick now that, well, isn't really a trick, but helps me get through a scary movie. When I know something bad is about to happen, I'll either turn the volume all the way down, or just grab my remote and fast forward through the scene in question, sometimes then rewinding it to the point just after the "jump". My blood pressure goes through the roof a lot during these movies, and each time I ask myself why I subject myself to it.

So I decided to watch this trailer for "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" at work on YouTube. I had to drag the little cursor because it was getting to me. A frickin' ad for it! Try watching it by yourself and listen to it with your headphones, then tell me I'm a coward.

No, you're right, it's scary. However, I'm surprised that you don't enjoy horror films. There are some great ones out there (no doy), but why subject yourself to something you find unpleasant? Life is too short.

(Also, there are things you can't unsee, like The Exorcist and Session 9. SO MANY images that have stayed with me and continue to randomly frighten me. Honestly, there are still times when I pass the kitchen and expect to see some dead housewife with her back turned to me. (Thanks, Sixth Sense!) And speaking of backs turned, though I didn't love The Blair Witch Project, that final shot does linger with me. Brrrr.)
I guess the whole concept of a scary movie is like an accident on the highway, you shouldn't look but you cannot turn away. Maybe there's just a perverse something or other inside me that enjoys getting riled up and scared for whatever reason. But you're exactly right about frightening scenes sticking with you, The Exorcist is the worst offender of the bunch for me!
Guess what was on TV on Friday night? Yep, THE EXORCIST. All I saw was a black screen with red letters: "WILLIAM PETER BLATTY'S"; that's all I needed to see. I immediately switched the channel and was careful not to return to it when flipping around. Even that one glimpse of the opening credits was enough to stir up memories of the film. It did not help that all the lights were off in our room. [shiver]
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