Saturday, August 14, 2010

Star Wars on Blu-Ray and Deleted Scene

At the Star Wars Celebration V convention in Florida, George Lucas announced all six Star Wars films will be released on blu-ray in the Fall of 2011. And to give the Star Wars nerds something to chew on, a deleted scene that I've included here was shown to the crowd that will be on this blu-ray set (better watch it now before they pull it).

The good news about this announcement is that Lucas isn't dragging his feet on releasing the movies on the latest format currently available. Remember how long it took him to release the movies on DVD?

The only downside is that only the "special editions" will be on the discs...the original theatrical cuts will not be included, even though the 50GB of space on each disc allows for both editions to be on there.

Now THAT'S the Lucas we know and love!

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