Tuesday, July 06, 2010

I walk around in the summertime saying, "How about this heat?"

As the temperatures in the nation's capital hover around the 40C mark (with the humidex factored in, of course), yesterday I was part of history. My own history. It was 44C and I think that has got to rate as the hottest day in my lifetime.

And it then dawned on me that, as much as people complain, we spend a heck of a lot of time indoors.

Air-conditioned home, air-conditioned car, air-conditioned office, air-conditioned Quizno's (well, today it conked out on them). That's how I spent 95% of my day. I spent about 30 minutes walking to get to my parking space for work, and a few minutes putting the trash out for garbage day. There was also a 5 minute commute on foot to and from my car to the grocery store.

But that's about as tough as it got for me. I wasn't slaving away in the fields harvesting crops of corn, hoping to turn a profit to feed my starving family. The worst part of my day was the minute or so it takes the a/c to kick in on my Honda Civic, as the interior of my car is probably closer to 50C being outside in the sun all day.

What's my point? Guess that a lot of us have it pretty easy.

Good point.

Also, nice Denis Leary reference!
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