Thursday, January 14, 2010

Is this a solution?

I managed to get kidney stone #4 yesterday. Yup, the first three weren't enough punishment and another visit to the hospital was in order.

Being in a hospital sucks so I thought I'd do some research to see if there was something I could do to avoid the visit if it happened again. And check out what the powers of Google discovered! Turns out the good people of Coke inadvertenly came up with another use for their beverage. Sounds like a piece of cake to me, and totally legit! :-)

Step 1 Purchase 6-8 cans of regular Classic Coke. Do not refrigerate the cans. The coke must be warm, at room temperature.

Step 2 Purchase a bunch of asparagus.

Step 3 Now here is what you do. You are to drink 6-8 cans of WARM Coke in 2 hours. You might not be able to drink this much, but that's the goal. Your body will not like you for putting that much in it in such a short period of time, so be prepared to feel nauseous or sick.

Step 4 After the 2 hours are up, put the asparagus in a pan and steam it until it is very tender.

Step 5 When it is steamed you will puree it in the blender. Then pour 8 ounces of the asparagus juice into a cup and drink it.

Step 6 The coke will dissolve the crystallized points off of the kidney stones and the asparagus will help flush them out of your body. So within 48 hours tops, you should be back to normal.

Did you try it?
I'm pretty sure I didn't.
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