Monday, November 16, 2009

Decision Day

For something I thought was already a done deal about six months ago, it amazes me the plan to revitalize Lansdowne Park is still being dragged on but (what I think will be) a final vote will finally happen tonight as they decide the future of Ottawa sports & entertainment.

I should point out that fixing Lansdowne Park is much more than football & concerts though. A prime piece of real estate in the city I live in is being wasted because of incompetence and lack of vision. Did you know there was actually a design contest for Lansdowne 12 years ago? Got us far, didn't it? Now that four of Ottawa's most prominent real estate developers have come forward with a plan, people are running for the hills, shocked that a stadium that needs to be upgraded...might actually get upgraded.

My understanding is currently the city forks over $4 million a year for maintenance and to make sure the stadium doesn't collapse on itself. The plan proposed asks the city to maintain that yearly payment to pay for the loan to redevelop Lansdowne. No extra costs involved. Makes sense to me. Put $4 million into an investment instead of an eye sore that may need to be torn down if it's left the way it is. And what would you have to show for the $4 million a year you've been paying for so many years if this proposal is killed? Nothing.

Some say the retail development will kill Glebe businesses. I disagree. It's already been promised that no "big box" stores will be allowed to set up shop, so we won't have a big Wal-Mart to worry about. And wouldn't adding more retail selection increase business traffic to the Glebe overall? I don't know. Just talking out of my a** maybe.

Glebe residents complain that there will be increased traffic and such during events. Well, yeah! That will happen...for about an hour on Sunday. I don't recall anyone complaining about traffic when the Renegades were here and they still averaged 16-17,000 or so fans even though the team blew chunks. YOU LIVE BESIDE A FOOTBALL STADIUM! Remember when we hosted the u-20 FIFA World Cup a couple of years ago? Sold out, every night soccer was on. Crowds and traffic happened. So there is noise and some inconvenience for a little while. Do you want a hushed silence and no attendance when your city decides to host a few events? I live in a downtown apartment. Guess what? I understand the chances of hearing a police siren at three in the morning is slightly higher for me than someone who lives in suburbia. I expect bumper to bumper traffic every weekday while all the feds make their way to and from work. Yes it might make me delay my visit to Best Buy while I wait for the cars to clear out BUT I LIVE DOWNTOWN SO IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN! Can you imagine me writing a letter asking what the city will do about all those buses and vehicles I have to deal with at 4 in the evening because I want it to be quiet for my walk to get a Subway sandwich? I don't see ANY difference for those residents who live beside a football stadium complaining as much as they do.

Some say the CFL is dead in this city. Even if that's the case, there's plans to have a soccer team ready to play. Don't think that will fly? How about when the Rolling Stones showed up here to perform? About 42,000 attended. How about the FIFA tournament I just talked about? Sold out. How about the 67s getting a better arena? Maybe the NHL would consider having their annual outdoor game in a revamped Lansdowne Park. My point is, to have these things, you need a stadium, something most major cities in the industrial world have. The whole idea behind this plan, from what I can gather, is for Lansdowne to become a year round attraction, not just for the CFL and nothing else.

It's more than the Glebeites who are affected by this decision; it affects the entire city. I understand that the councillor for the area, Mr. Doucet, hasn't even met with the development group to discuss his concerns which makes me think he's not interested in getting the true facts and doing what's right, but simply to appease those who continue to ruin the reputation of Ottawa stirring up lies, half-truths, and complaining about what I consider the realities of living downtown.

This should be an EXCITING time for Ottawa. A chance to re-energize the downtown core and turn it into something special.

I hope common sense will win this debate.


A very well put, non Liberal/NDP point of view.



PS You just supported a huge Conservative company that hates all people and would screw over anyone if it would make them money!
I heard this morning there's yet another vote in 6 months
RBP: You are just saying that to annoy me.

KM: I just found that out, too, and that's so the city can further annoy me.
Should we start making bets now on how long the new football team will last? I would put my money on three seasons. When will the city realize that football will not work here? And add to that, a “revamped” stadium is not going to be the answer.
Ottawa pro football existed from 1876 to 1996. That tells me there are a few football fans in the city.

I blame horrible multiple ownership and years of fielding bad teams as the main reason why they're no longer here.

This is their last chance, and if Jeff Hunt (who resurrected the failing Ottawa 67s franchise) can't do it, no one can.

I understand people's apprehension about how the CFL will do in this city again. But even if they do fail, Lansdowne Park is slated to be a year round attraction. The CFL only has 10 or so dates a year to play in the stadium. That's a lot of time left to do something else.
Agreed, and I agree with the reconstruction I think it is a good idea...I just don’t think that a CFL team is the answer, is all. MLS??? Probably not any better, but I bet you there would be more fans and a slightly longer following. I don’t have the answer (obviously) I just don’t think that a new CFL team is what Ottawa needs.
I wish Melnyk would have worked with the Lansdowne group to bring the MLS team there, that would have been the ultimate solution. Unfortunately, Melnyk still wants us to drive to Kanata for our sports fix.
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