Tuesday, September 08, 2009

More Random SBP Thoughts

- It's terrible : I've had a four day hiatus from writing a blog entry from being away at a cottage (Verner, near North Bay. Good times!) and I've been finding it harder and harder to come up with things to write about. I can't believe the norm used to be once a day with the way things have been going lately. My aim is one entry every 2nd day, so we'll see how helpful my brain is when it comes to these blog entries. Anyway, hope you a nice long weekend. I also took today off because, meh, extra days off are good!

- I'm not looking forward to another election this fall...I guess you could argue we should be grateful to live in a country where there's a problem of having too many elections, but I'm glad there's a group called "Democracy Watch" who is challenging Harper's decision to call an election last yearl. He called for fixed-date elections, but then went against his own legislation by announcing an earlier date. Stupid. Anyway, I think I might just spoil my ballot in protest.

- I didn't see it, but I can indeed confirm for you that the Price is Right's Bob Barker was the guest "General Manager" of WWE Raw last night. Anything for a ratings boost and some mainstream attention, they'll go for it!

- George W. Bush is apprently visiting Edmonton, Saskatoon and Montreal for a two-hour "conversation" as part of a tour in mid-October. I have to admit, I'd be curious to hear what he had to say if he came by my stomping grounds. Do you think he'd offer an apology for the eight years he was in office?

- Jim Basillie's latest offer to buy the Phoenix Coyotes increased by $30 million, mainly to buy out of the lease agreement the franchise signed with the city of Glendale. His offer is now $100 million+ more than the NHL's, and I still think he's going to lose.

- F*****' Heatley!!!

I saw it!!! Bob was awsome!
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