Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Perception is Everything

I used to think of myself as an expert of Subway sandwiches. But I was duped. Or maybe lazy. I found out something that seemed quite surprising to me.

Lingering in the back of my mind, Subway offers different choices of bread and I thought the wheat bread was the healthiest choice. But that was the first tip-off: WHEAT bread. Not WHOLE wheat bread! That's the type that gets that healthy check mark on the package of a loaf of bread you buy at the grocery store. But I never really gave it much thought.

I did pay attention to the nutritional content of the sandwiches as Subway's website posts all the information you need to know about them. They even tell you when considering the sandwich content that it's based on sandwiches with their wheat bread. More reason to think it's their most healthy alternative. After all, if you're selling yourself as being healthy, why would you use the bread that isn't the best for you?

But the big wigs at Subway probably thought health-conscience consumers would be alarmed if they presented their sandwich values noting they used their white (Italian) bread instead of their wheat. Both types have the same amount of calories in a six inch sandwich: 200. The wheat bread has 2 more grams of carbs and 1/2 gram more fat than the white. Not terribly significant, but notable. But the alarming thing is that in its ingredients, wheat bread contains high fructose corn syrup.

This syrup is used primarily in soft drinks, and many studies have concluded that it is one of the primary factors for the rise in obesity levels in the last 30 years. Subway uses this ingredient in its bread while it claims to be the healthy alternative to the McDonald's, Burger Kings and Wendy's out there. But it's effects on the human body aren't exactly positive.

Listen, I'm not claiming to be a health nut by any means. And certainly Subway hadn't exactly hidden anything...they've posted all the details on their website that you would want to know. But that's if you take the time to look. Indeed, wheat bread ain't the best choice for you to make in this situation.
Even though it sure looks like it's supposed to be.

The corn lobby has a lot to say about the HFCS issue, and even have a website to give their side. Love the name of the site:

Anyways, I wouldn't quit Subway because of it. I think the bigger problem is the 2L of pop that kids drink a day that's contributing to the problem. And the difference between going to Subway or going to McDonalds is still an improvement for most of the population...
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