Thursday, May 07, 2009

Three Times IS NOT the charm!

I just came back from the hospital today: Second time actually just over the course of 36 hours.  What for?  Yup, you guessed it:  KIDNEY STONES!


Initially, I thought this time I might have dodged a very painful bullet.  The initial pain wasn't nearly as bad as it was the first two times, but just to be on the safe side, I visited the hospital to make sure everything was okay.  Of course, I kept all the pain meds from before just in case it happened again, and eventually some reasoning came over me saying something along the lines of, "You really shouldn't be medicating yourself!"  I mean, what if I'm wrong?  What if it's something else?

This morning while at work, even after taking the pain killers, the pain would not go away, and it actually shifted to my abdomen which I didn't take as a good sign.  The pain got worse and worse and pretty much equalled the pain from the first two incidents, M-C took me back for a 2nd time to the hospital, waited two hours in the waiting room, another three for the CT scan, and two more to see a doctor telling me that we'll just let the stone ride it's course.  Okay.  Anyway, they made the pain go away pretty fast when they finally hooked me up to an IV and I slept for a solid three hours in between everything.  The time before that though was not fun.

I really, really hope I don't have to go through this all again.  It really, really does suck big time!  

Are you going to do the follow and maybe find out what is causing them so frequently? Just wondering.
Nephrolithiasis! That sucks Ben! I found this article for you.

Looks like your precautions will depend on what kind of stone you have.
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