Friday, April 17, 2009

The REAL Pursuit of Happyness

Yeah, I know this movie has been around for almost three years but I just got around to watching it last week.  First off, I'll say that I thought it was pretty good.  Will Smith carried the film very well and it tugged at the heartstrings in just enough quantities that you didn't feel it was overtly cheesy.  It is a comeback story that truly delivers on the belief that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.  In this sense, it is a very crowd-pleasing picture that translated into lots of ticket sales when it was released.

I had a beef with this movie though, and that involved the end credits where they discuss how the characters turned out as the movie was based on a true story (read no longer if you don't want know the outcome!).  The only thing they addressed was that Will Smith's character made millions of dollars building his investment empire.  Nothing about how his son turned out, his estranged wife, if he started a new family, if he did any charity work...nothing.  It was like the only thing that mattered at the end, even though it seemed that maybe his son was his motivation for carrying on no matter what the odds, was that he became rich.

I'm not saying it isn't a big deal to build an enterprise from scratch into a vast fortune, that it isn't something to be proud of or that it's easy.  All I'm saying is that the movie seems to have forgotten what really matters in life and it's not just one's ability to pay their bills or pay cash for a really nice car.   Is the "Pursuit of Happyness" really just about the pursit of money?  

I'd like to think that our lives have more meaning that the amount of cash in our wallets. 

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