Monday, March 09, 2009

Pure Hilarity

I guess for some it might be too easy to forget who you are and where you've come from, forgetting at one time you were a schleb like everyone else hoping one day you'd be noticed. Christian Bale is perhaps the latest big star to come out of Hollywood these days, but unfortunately humility isn't one of his attributes. He laid into one of the camera crew and unluckily for him (but fortunate for us!), it was all caught on tape. Family Guy did a funny spoof on it and I thought it was pretty funny. Enjoy.

Oh, I'm still going to see Terminator 4 despite his rage issues. Cheers!

Just so you know he did apologize and he still hot!
That was funny!!!! Especially... "I ate that last piece of pie". Genius.
Kylie, Kylie....Is that what Rianna (sp?) said after getting a beating from Chris Brown? No excuses!
I guess she did, sadly, she took him back!
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