Friday, March 06, 2009


The rich tastiness of chocolate that touches my lips every morning at about 8:40am Monday to Friday is no more.

Well, we'll see how long it lasts. But what constituted breakfast for me, a drink with a fair amount of sugar, is probably something my body won't miss. Everyone says breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and I don't even bother to have anything that's a solid! That needs to change.

I don't want to eat anything too big though since I'm really not all that hungry in the morning, and like any time of day, I'm not one to want to prepare anything too complex. So yesterday I had a blueberry bran muffin and today someone let me try a peanut butter breakfast bar. It at least filled me up until lunch time.

This may not seem like a big deal, but for me it's hard! I LOVE chocolate milk. But I'm going to try to cut it out.

The Milk lobby has made some calls and wants us to stage an intervention to stop your decision.

You know... you could make your own with some delicious organic skim milk and a touch of chocolate syrup. It would be cheaper and probably just as healthy as whatever alternative you're gonna go with.

Then again, I did some math, and at 300 calories per milk, averaging 300 per year (that's 90,000 calories), you'd lose 25lbs in one year by cutting that out and replacing it with a delicious glass of water.
Why? It is not as if you drink tons of it. Why not have it with some fruit and maybe multi grain toast with peanut butter and you have a complete breakfast. I mean I am all for improving yourself, but this doesn't even seem like an issue. That's just my two cents.
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