Saturday, December 06, 2008
The Avery Debacle
A lot of people were happy Sean Avery was handed a six game suspension from the NHL for his recent comments regarding ex-girlfriends and opposing players. I don't think too many people were shocked a guy like Avery made comments like that, but perhaps he crosses the line on what you can and cannot say in front of a camera for the rest of the world to hear. A panel on TSN's Off the Record concurred much worse is said on the ice, but for the public to hear, it's taking it too far.
I'm not doing to disagree with that. But, if the NHL is really keen on cleaning up their circus, then do yourself a favour, and don't bring out the clowns.
How many times have we heard hockey journalists and "experts" go on & on about how you need guys like Avery on your team to help you win? "You hate to play against him but you'd love to have him on your side." I remember last year when Steve Downie launched himself like a ground-to-air missile and knocked out an unsuspecting Dean McAmmond, almost ending his career. After the hit, many said a suspension was merited, but too many "analysts" would follow that up with a "he's a good kid, lots of heart, I like him." I was even dumbfounded to hear former Sens coach John Paddock say he'd want him on his team: I guess taking out other players with dirty hits is a way to show heart so let's suit him up and call him a pro.
So when a guy like Downie hears comments like that, why would he even stop to think about showing some respect for the other players on the ice? And how often has Avery been told by the media he's one of the best agitators in the game? Avery, in my opinion, has done nothing that doesn't surprise me at all what he would do. He was signed to a 4 year, $15 million contract to "get under the skin" of the opposition. So when he gets the camera's attention with statements like the one above, he is doing what he is paid for and what he is told he's best at: being an asshole. The NHL doesn't have a problem with that per se, but, don't be THAT much of one...maybe just a quarter or semi-asshole.
If the NHL is serious about earning respect as one of the top sports leagues in the world, they can start by not giving guys like Avery a job. As long as they're employed, as long as the media hypes them as a necessary cog in a team's lineup, this certain won't be the last time a suspension will be handed out for pre-game interview.
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