Thursday, December 11, 2008

Am I Bad Guy...

....because I can't support the OC Transpo strikers?

Is it okay that I think the picketers go too far when they block the entrances of City Hall? I mean, they've already screwed up everyone's lives enough in this city by timing this strike (and don't kid yourself, the strike date was all strategic) during Christmas rush, the beginning of winter, student exams, etc. but can't they accept the fact that people's lives do still have to go on? Just take a look before and after work hours to see the painful drive commuters are making for the privilege of going to their cubicle hell. At 6:30 outside my apartment, it was still near bumper to bumper traffic.

Someone told me (and this is unconfirmed) that Carleton University set up a shuttle service for students so they could still get to class. Remember, exams are not being canceled so they are still required to attend. Anyway, apparently picketers have shown up at these drop off/pick up points! You got to be frickin' kidding me! What the hell is wrong with people when they want to get in the way of someone trying to get an EDUCATION? I really hope it isn't true, but it wouldn't shock me if it is.

Anyway, as is the case in most contract negotiations, no one wanted to start talking about reaching an agreement until the last few weeks when they could have started as early as Spring. But no one looks out in the best interests of the public in these cases; one or both parties drag their feet for leverage to get whatever it is they want.

I'm not affected at all by this strike and I'm annoyed. I just hope an agreement is reached soon so Ottawans' lives can return to normal.

Yup, strike sucks. I don't even take the bus yet have to show up to work an hour early just so I can find parking. But don't kid yourself, the city is probably just as much to blame for not negotiating in the contract timeframe. That, and they're saving millions of dollars when the buses aren't running, so the striking workers may not be the only ones who hold this up a while.
Does this mean your Sens are safe from being thrown under any buses??
I have to say... until you are on strike, its hard to judge. Of course they are picketing city hall, that's there employer. There are very strick guidlines when picketing, so if they are picketing the shuttle buses, it has been allowed by the police. I blame the city. They are unorgnaized and left major issues to the last minute. My two cents.
I've been on strike before. It's not fun. The city is certainly at fault for making this strike happen, but not necessarily for being lax or unreasonable. If they think it's going to give them a better negotiating position, then they're happy to let it happen...
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