Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Wrestler

There aren't too many films I'm clamoring to see this Christmas, but I definitely want to see how The Wrestler turns out after so many critics have praised the film (highlighting Mickey Rourke's performance as a broken down performer) and winning the Golden Lion award at the Venice Film Festival. Initially, the picture was thought to only have a shot for Best Actor at the next Oscars for Rourke but the initial buzz has been so strong, a Best Picture nomination might even be a possibility. With a soft Bruce Springsteen tune over trailer just released this week, this picture looks to be very, very good. I have a feeling it might be one of those movies, even if you hate the subject matter, you'll look past that to see something with a lot of heart. It won't be out for over a month, but I can't wait for it to hit theaters.

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