Monday, October 27, 2008
I got this catalogue in the mail Friday (not sure how they got my name, never bought anything from these people) but I guess they couldn't stop the presses from sending it out with this outdated message on the cover...
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Darn, I was looking forward to reading about how the Sens are back, Spezza's a phenomenal player, and that Alex Auld is the answer you've been looking for for years... Or something like that.
Oh, and even at $0.80US, the Canadian Dollar is still higher than it was from 1992-2004... So get shopping!
I love the "conserve fuel" recommendation at the bottom of the cover. Um, so, after I choose which fabulous items I'd like to purchase, how do those goods get delivered to my house? Magic? Teleportation? Some kind of techno-magical hybrid? Or a big truck?
Oh, and even at $0.80US, the Canadian Dollar is still higher than it was from 1992-2004... So get shopping!
I love the "conserve fuel" recommendation at the bottom of the cover. Um, so, after I choose which fabulous items I'd like to purchase, how do those goods get delivered to my house? Magic? Teleportation? Some kind of techno-magical hybrid? Or a big truck?
I'll wait till they can string together a winning streak before I make such claims. They play Florida and Tampa next; beatable teams if they get the same effort as last night.
That "conserve fuel" message IS funny. In addition to transporting the goods, don't forget the trees that had to be cut down to make that flyer. No trees are harmed while browsing Amazon!
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That "conserve fuel" message IS funny. In addition to transporting the goods, don't forget the trees that had to be cut down to make that flyer. No trees are harmed while browsing Amazon!
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