Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Media Distortion

I've always questioned the mentality of most Americans when they head to the voting booth. Despite the high levels of crime and poverty and the low quality of accessible health care and education to the under-privileged, they consistently vote for the party that ensures nothing changes from the status quo. As I've said before, Americans have endured the worst President in history for the last eight years but the last poll I've read shows 44% would still vote for McCain. It is really mind-boggling. Sure, Obama still has the lead by 6-8 points, but that's really not all that much if you stop and think about it. The recession, Iraq, oil, debt, health care...Bush has dropped the ball on every major issue since 2000 but 44% still want more of the same! Isn't the definition of insanity doing something the exact same way and expecting a different result?

Having said that, maybe it's not the fault of the average American voter. I watched this Youtube video showing how Fox, one of the largest media outlets in the United States, pretty much "infects" the news that is presented to the American people and that it would be pretty easy to be swayed by their "journalism" if you don't bother to go out and do some of your own research. It runs just over three and a half minutes and is definitely worth looking at to see a very real force working against Barack Obama. (Oh sorry Fox, Barack HUSSEIN Obama).

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