Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This Can't Be Right

This leaked photo is what may be the Senators third jersey to be released this season and let's just say I'm not a fan of it. First, if you're going to use the letters design like the New York Rangers do, have the full name on it. They're not called the Ottawa "Sens" much like there is no chance Montreal would put "Habs" on the front of their jersey. It's just a nickname and nothing else.

Furthermore, the "down to up" design is just confusing. Even the Ottawa Sun poll added a third choice in their poll when asking readers if they like it: Yes, No or "Who are the SNES?" Bad, bad design.

Did you notice there's a colour missing? Gold. The colours of the Senators are red, black and gold, so there's no reason why it shouldn't be included.

Finally, who decided to use rental player Martin Lapointe to put on the back? In any case, I really hope this isn't the true third jersey and they'll be coming out with something else.

Awful, awful, awful. At lest steal the Duck's baseball-style lettering.
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