Monday, September 08, 2008

Not Good

I woke up Sunday morning with the upper half of my body broken out in red blotches. It's about as cool as it sounds. They didn't hurt or anything, but definitely didn't look too pretty. I still ventured out to Toronto and back with Scott so he could pick up his sweet arcade cabinet (he'll post some pics on his blog shortly) but I still felt bleah as I did for most of the weekend.

So I visited the doctor this morning and get this, he thinks I have chicken pox! I'll know for sure once the blood tests are done, but in the meantime, I'm supposed to consider myself infected and contagious. And it can take as long as three weeks to get rid of the virus!

I have absolutely no idea where I could have gotten it, haven't visited any daycare centres or anything. Man, what a crappy way to start the week.

I can't believe you exposed me to chicken pox!! I better not be one of those people who get it twice in their lifetime.
Sorry to hear about it buddy, I, for one, hope it's not that rare Japanese strain of chicken pox that comes from video arcade machines.
no, that's not possible he had it before we picked up the cabinet.... but I bet there are some gas station attendants and East Sides staff wondering where the heck they got exposed to chicken pox now... =)

Hope you're feeling ok buddy!!
I thought you'd complain about all those Simpsons quotes I exposed you to Scooter!
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