Monday, September 15, 2008


I thought being stuck indoors might inspire me to write some more entries on the ol' blog but I have been finding it quite difficult this week. I guess without much conversation with my peers, the hamster doesn't run quite as fast.

I've played a few freerolls on Pokerstars to help pass the time instead of movies, and let me tell you something, if there's a break for sale that you know of, please lead me to it because right now I can't buy one. I decided to then see if there were any WSOP episodes on TV and there were, broadcast in HD glory so I watched some more of that to pass the time, reminding me a little of how my style of play can sometimes breed a tad of success. One thing that was mentioned by one of the commentators was how Doyle Brunson had his own Myspace page so I took a look at it. He had a really gorgeous shot of Hong Kong at night that I thought I'd share with you here. Click on it to get a bigger view:

Isn't it gorgeous? I mean, the lights make it look so great. It looks a bit like Coruscant for all you Star Wars geeks out there.

Doyle blogged about how he knows all these billionaires who were able to fly him around in these private jets and thus got that great photo-op you see. Disappointed to read he wants McCain in, then again he's 70 years + and from Texas so perhaps that shouldn't be all that surprising.

So what's the point of all this? Not sure. I'm pretty sure though I'll be "clear" by the weekend and I can sustain some human contact for more than 2 minutes without having to worry about infecting anyone.

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