Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I'm not so sure about this project. I really like Oliver Stone's work, JFK and Natural Born Killers are two of my all time favourites, but do people really want a movie about George W. Bush now? I think it's too early. Some say the upcoming election will help box office but I think if people are bombarded with Republican vs Democrat stuff on TV and the news, how eager will they be to have to pay for it at the theatre? Hard to the end I just want a good movie, so hopefully it'll deliver the goods when it comes out October 29th. And hopefully Stone can get back to his Academy award winning form that has eluded him lately.

I can't think of a more perfect time to release this film. They should've had a sneak preview at the Democratic Convention.


Parts of Any Given Sunday were good, but you have to go way back to 1994's NBK (14 years!) to find his last quality filmmaking effort.*

*Please note, I have not seen Alexander or WTC, but the former got a 16% rating on RT, and I'm positive that that 70% rating for the latter is higher than it should be because of the subject matter
Alexander was bad, I liked World Trade Center, Any Given Sunday was okay, U Turn wasn't great, I liked Nixon...lots of hit and miss.
As requested, I've reworked my Dark Knight email conversation into a review on my blog... Big spoilers, naturally, so don't read if you haven't seen it!
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