Friday, July 11, 2008

Third Jerseys?

Only SBP can still blab on about hockey in the beginning of July.

Doing some everyday net surfing, I came across this pic of a potential new Sens 3rd jersey that was apparently rejected for one reason or another. Perhaps that is just a red herring and it's actually being considered, but nonetheless, it's inevitable third jerseys will hit the market. I thought they might actually wait a few years since they just introduced the new Reebok Edge uniforms this past season and they might just want to try to milk that a little first before giving fans another option, but again, rumours have stated they might come as early as next season. I like the old school "O" jersey and definitely would pick one up. The only thing missing is some gold but that can be fixed pretty easily.

Now let's start the jokes that the "O" stands for ZERO Stanley Cups...

...well... only in the modern era... but yeah, I'll say it. :)
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