Monday, May 19, 2008

Random SBP Thoughts

- Out of 180,000 people, my name was one of several that got drawn to have the right to purchase tickets for the Buffalo Bills games in Toronto. Now, the tickets are very expensive (just under $200 each is the average). But then again, selling them may not be a problem and actually profitable. I tracked a few Ebay listings and people are just selling the passwords for about $50 each! We'll see if I try to make some coin off it...most of my friends I've spoken to aren't terribly enthused about the T.O. visit and would rather head to Buffalo itself to watch a game.

- This probably doesn't make much sense, but for the first time playing Grand Theft Auto IV, I felt uncomfortable. Your character already has committed murder, theft, arson, drug trafficking, etc. but this mission involved kidnapping and would have a much different effect on my sense of good taste. You have to kidnap a mafia leader's daughter and take a photo of her while tied up to demand a ransom. But the "trick" is you have to have this person "look up" at you while you take a photo with your cell phone camera. And the only way to do it? You have to slap her. So you press the LB button when prompted, SLAP, and she looks up while cursing at you. Problem was, I took too long trying to line up the shot with the camera so she ended up looking down at the floor again, so LB button, SLAP, one more time. Ugh.

- FREE POLICE CHECK! Sign up to volunteer for the World Junior Hockey Championships, and they waive the fee to check your background making sure you aren't some hardened criminal

- Is it just me, or are the Olympics just no longer exciting? I remember looking forward to the Canada vs USA track meets in the 100m run and the 4 x 100 decathlon in particular. Does Canada even have anyone that can compete for the gold? I'm not so sure, but even then no one seems to be talking about the Olympics unless it involves boycotting it altogether in protest of China's human rights record.

- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was unveiled at Cannes yesterday and the reviews have been solid. What can you say except SOLD!

- The Ottawa Senators have a 19 year-old Latvian draft prospect named Kaspar Daugavins. Is he any good? Apparently he was one of the few bright spots for the OHL's Toronto St. Micheal's Majors, and if the Senators and Eugene Melnyk want to expand their fanbase (and of course, they do), they should make every effort to see if this kid is good enough to make the club. The reason for this is that Latvia LOVES their hockey. Despite the fact they've never ranked higher than 10th in the World standings, one of the things that came out during the World Championships is that the fans are very passionate about the game and it is their #1 sport. Right now, they have no NHL player to call their own. Now what would happen if this Latvian guy made the Sens? You just transformed 2.2 million people into Senators fans.

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