Friday, January 25, 2008

I Admit it...

Yup, I did what no man or woman should do. I forked over $9.99 to see the latest action extravaganza offered by 61 year-old Sylvester Stallone, Rambo. The not-so-eagerly awaited fourth installment of the franchise that many thought was dead in 1988 when the third installment was released. (God bless the producers who, at the end of the credits, dedicated that movie to all the "gallant people of Afghanistan." My how times have changed.).

Now I read a recent interview with Sylvester Stallone that gave me a small glimmer of hope (emphasis on the word small) that this movie might have some actual meaning in it. Here's a quote when asked about his general opinion on war:

"It's not your country you're killing for. It's for a few old men up top who want war. Old men start it. Young men fight it. Nobody wins. Everybody in the middle dies."

Very profound. It might sound simplistic, but I tend to agree with him. But Rambo is all sauce and no steak, with the sauce in this case being gallons upon gallons of blood. No limb is spared or head still attached after Rambo is done. The movie clocks in at a quick 85 minutes, and really it should be kept that short since it's not trying to do anything but depict as much violence as possible: Death by machine guns, knives, grenades, arrows, machetes, rockets, anti-aircraft guns and bare hands are depicted in graphic detail. There is no message in this movie, except to say that it's not recommended to visit a place that has about 60 years of civil war still going on without any backup.

Anyway, I knew all this already, you knew this already, I got what I deserved and let's hope Sly doesn't decide to do another one because I might be baited by certain work colleagues into going again.

Well, at 85 minutes, at least the torture wasn't a prolonged affair.

And yeah, you knew what you were in for when you went. I wonder: Did some part of you, the part that didn't grow up after the 80's were through, kinda, sorta, enjoy a few parts of this movie?

I ask this simply because I didn't see you give this a rating on 10...
Maybe your book could be the script for Rambo 5 - Rambo joins the WWE.
On ten, a solid three. One thing about this movie and many others equal in quality that I should give its due for: I was never, ever bored.
>I was never, ever bored.

Yeah, and your intelligence was only slightly insulted. :)
2.59 kills per minute!

You're a brave soul, SBP. See you soon!
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