Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Blog Change

You may now notice a slight change in my blog title...the word "Daily" being replaced with "frequent."

It's going to be hard, but I'm going to try: The time spent I would have posting a blog entry, I will instead work on a book. It's something that I've tried before and given up, mainly because I'm my own worst critic. I start off with a great idea, then go back to reread it and think that it's garbage and quit. And frequently, I got writer's block. But I'm going to try. I may not finish it...again. But I'm going to try...again. Can't hurt to give it a go.

So there may be days that I'll do both, maybe some days I'll blog and not bother with my novel and vice-versa. But I still intend to commit to writing something each day.

We'll see how it goes.


As long as you steer clear of any theme where some Sweedish guy leads a team of hockey players to the promise land with a sprinkle of inner team conflict, you should be fine.

Speaking of writing, I think I just wrote a run on sentence.

Good luck with the novel.

Will the book be about video games or wrestling?
How about a book of SBP screwjobs!

Good luck bud.

I think i know what the book is about BP. You like the movies, right? How about writing a script instead? One that could be storyboarded into oh...say a graphic novel? The offer still stands, pal!

Have you looked into grants for publishing?
We'll talk plan-b.

And I think to get any grants you have to have some body of work produced, no? I guess I could send them the link to my blog :)
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