Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Lottery List

This was a pretty dead week for me at work so I had a little more spare time on my hands than usual. One of the things I do is take care of an office lottery pool where I collect $10 from about 25 people and every Friday I pick up some lottery tickets for either Lotto 6/49 or Super 7 depending on which has the bigger jackpot.

If we defy the odds of getting struck by lightning, maybe we'll be lucky enough to have the winning ticket. It's fun to think of what you'd spend it on if you won, but another thing I like to do is figure out how to share it.

I would do things like pay off my morgage, my car and other debts, but I also drew out a list of people: friends & family, who would get a percentage of SBP's winnings should I win the big one. Hard to say how much I'd give, but, I'd definitely have to share it with others.

So if you know me real well, consider being a little nicer to the ol' SBP. It just might pay off!

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