Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Back on Blogspot

Ya miss me? One week without home was really weird at first not being able to check email as soon as I got home from work or, obviously, post my latest thoughts on whatever I felt like. And I started to get used to it, but I have to admit, the inability not to look up information immediately as soon as I wanted it was annoying. I'm just so used to getting "instant access" to whatever I want to look up. Anyway, it's nice to have it back.

Rogers has a hold on me. My phone line is digital, so getting DSL internet isn't possible, so that eliminates pretty much every other internet provider out there, including Bell Sympatico. I could subscribe to dial up, but that would eliminate being able to play Pokerstars since you have to be really quick to sign up for their freerolls before all the spots are taken. And really, at the speed picture and video downloads through dial-up is pretty weak regardless now that I've gotten accustomed to high-speed. I could only find one other company that provided cable internet, but that was only for commercial use. So internet for me consists of Rogers and Rogers only.

They wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to deal with their frickin' voice prompting system. It drives me crazy to no end, especially when you punch in the numbers on your phone, tell the "computer" or whatever the hell else you call it what you want, then when you finally reach someone live they ask you every question all over again. What was the point of going through their automated system in the first place? Annoying.

So I'll be resuming my regular posts and so you can enjoy once again your daily visit to my site, The SBP Archive: Your Daily Dose of SBP!

welcome back!!
Yeah, welcome back pal. Sorry to bail on GHIII ce soir, we'll make some plans soon.

Oh, and as soon as you choose English on the voice prompt, just say "OPERATOR" in a mildly perturbed voice, and they'll skip all that other junk.

Good to have you back on your gated saddle.


p.s. The gate jokes are just beginning, 'cause I'm a jerkface.
I don't get it. Please explain.
In a discussion with co-workers, I criticized American cities that require their citizens to live in gated communities for the simple luxury of feeling safe. In response, Rob feels I live in a gated community as there's a "controlled point of access" at the front door of my condo building. To each their own ROBERT!

It is true though buddy. You live in a gated community.

My point in the discussion, is that gated communities do not always reflect a seedy, crime riddled world outside of the gate.

Many americans live in gated communities just becasue. Kind of the same reason you live in a gated community.

Many americans also live in trailer parks, just because. I would not make any sweeping commentary about all americans or the american landscape because some live in trailer parks.

Gated communities in the USA are, generally speaking, a way of ensuring everyone of the same class (white, rich, etc) can live together without having to be exposed to the social injustices on the outside of their walls.

A security guard in front of a building does not make a gated community. My building houses people of all races, religions, ages and financial background. In actuality, a good representation of the city itself. In many places in the US of A, you have poor, crime-riddled areas outside the brick walls that house the rich social elite. I do not wish to live in a city with so many social injustices, a gated community is required just to feel safe.
Woo. Sorry I asked!
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