Friday, October 12, 2007

Al Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize

I couldn't tell you one thing Al Gore accomplished while Vice-President under Clinton.

Once he lost the 2000 election (well, he didn't really lose it, but you get my meaning) and left politics, his worldwide crusade to educate the world about global warming successfully alerted the planet that time is running out. He has his critics, for some reason, but luckily for the sake of our earth, the majority believe him and want to change things to make the world inhabitable for future generations. And for his tireless efforts, he was given the Nobel Peace prize.

It might seem odd to win a "peace" prize when he isn't directly involved in halting war for instance, but it does make sense. Solving the climate change problem is an effort that requires the entire world to co-operate, in essence, for peace between countries so that they can work on treaties such as the Kyoto agreement to reach the objective. Not everyone is on board, but the groundwork has been set. And more importantly, as Gore has mentioned, resources & land will become more & more scarce which will undoubtedly lead to hostility and conflict. Working on preventing global warming will help achieve peace that may otherwise lead to war.

You know there's an election coming up in the States, and I realize my opening statements may same contradictory, but wouldn't it be nice if he was President? Americans don't realize how fortunate they are to have him as a citizen of their country. This world would definitely be a better place with Gore in power.

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