Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Miss Teen South Carolina

Well, she's got her looks to fall back on.

Good thing she wasn't wearing a babydoll top, eh BP?

LOVED the look on the host's face when she finished her answer.
I want to feel sorry for her, like, such as, she was totally ambushed by a difficult question, but I can't stop giggling long enough to let the sympathy kick in.

Being a pageant contestant must be nerve-wracking (to say the least), but on some level she had to know it was all about looks, even if her main reason for participating was communication skills, the improving of, such as. (Man, I wish I had the URL for the article in which she explains her pageant motivation. It was written before the big night.)
I don't feel that bad for her, I think she won 3rd place... not sure if that is a good thing or not.
"Is the Bill of Rights a good thing or bad thing?"
"Take your time..."
"Uhhhh....good thing! (bats eyes repeatedly)"

-Simpsons "Little Miss Springfield" episode
If I'm not mistaken, that host was none other than AC Slater himself, Mr. Mario Lopez.

Wowsa. I hate myself for knowing that.
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