Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Did you know waaaaay back in 1987, when I was getting ready to say goodbye to grade 6 & Good Shepherd Elementary Catholic School and head off to high school, I won the school's public speaking award?

I remember it well, because it was really the first time I'd won anything, and I could confidently say I was good at something: in this case, speaking in front of a large crowd.

The contest would involve writing a 4-5 minute speech on any topic you want: The speech I wrote was about mothers. As soon as you announced the topic, immediately everyone was intrigued. Why wouldn't they be? We all have one! I remember in my class there was a big debate on whether mine or Terra French's speech about commercials was going to win. It was ultimately my teacher Mr. Larocque's decision, and he picked me. Some felt I didn't deserve it and I was picked only because I was a teacher's pet. I know this because some of my classmates approached me and weren't afraid to tell me that right to my face. I didn't let it phase me, I just thought it was cool to get to compete in front of the whole school against the other classroom "champions". For the record, Terra never complained.

I don't remember everyone's speech, but Johanna also won her class competition and she did hers on chocolate. I specifically remember a part in her discussion she mentioned there was a chocolate substitute called carob. Carob? Bleah. It can't replace chocolate!

Anyway, we all had to do our speech in front of the whole school and I managed to win. I remember being so excited I actually did that stupid Richard Nixon wave where he raises his arms and shakes his hands while they do the peace sign. Ridiculous.

I did my speech two more times: One more time for our school open-house, and the next time for the school board championship at a different elementary school. I was decked out in my canary-yellow Miami Vice suit complete with a baby blue top. I don't think I wore socks. I didn't win that competition, but still, I could tell the audience liked my speech. And pretty sure they dug the outfit, too.

And that's the end of that story.

We have a saying about SBP. Get that guy a podium on wheels and he can do no wrong. I couldn't think of a better MC for my bro's wedding.

Next time I have to shill our CD in front of a mic, or introduce a song, i'm going to think about this story...specifically about the yellow suit.
Please tell me that your proud mother took at least one picture of her well-spoken son in that yellow suit...
There might be one pic of me in that suit. Which I will burn when found.

And thanks for the kind words plan-b!
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