Thursday, March 22, 2007

Wii is Wicked!

Nintendo did right by not trying to compete in the overpriced Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 markets, and rather offer an alternative way of playing video games at a decent price tag. Plus, it was definitely cool they included a game with your system in the purchase price. When was the last time that happened?

Scott invited me over with some other buddies to try Bowling, Tennis, Boxing, Baseball and Golf (all on one CD) with using the Wiimote (very clever name) and "nunchuk", and boy is it a hoot. You don't move a joystick, rather you mimic real life movements with your arms/hands as you try to accomplish different tasks. Boxing is ridiculous, as you try to dodge and throw punches for three rounds. It's almost a workout...after two games I was almost sweating. And it was fun, which is what the Wii is all about.

People who don't normally play video games seem to like it. The games are easy to learn and get you off the couch as you wind up to throw a baseball, or take some practice swings before you take your approach shot to the green.

My only complaint is that the response time may not be as fast as you'd like, but it could be to do with the positioning of the sensors (Scott has his TV fairly low to the ground) but it's minor. I really got a kick out of the Wii, and, hmmm, I'll resist the urge to buy....for now! :)

But it's so reasonably priced, BP!
I heard there's a game coming out called Darth Maul vs. The Rock, so......
...consider that....

Aren't you getting a bit old for video games?
No. No I'm not.
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