Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Heart Attack Grill

A taste...worth dying for.

That's their slogan, and they do not deny who or what they are. They serve unhealthy food & drink, and with no anti-smoking bylaws in effect, you can also pick up a pack of smokes with your purchase. Welcome to "The Heart Attack Grill".

The item you see the gentleman holding is the "quadruple-bypass" burger. 4x the meat, 4x the bacon, 4x the get the idea. You can also ask for a side of "flatliner" fries to go with your meal. Fried in pure lard, and they proudly announce this fact on their menu.

Located in Arizona, they also offer patrons scantily clad "naughty nurses" (although the one seen here seems to be dressed more conservatively than the others pictured on their website) as servers. I'll let you decide if they've set back woman's rights a few decades. The government of the state has asked that they put disclaimers that the women working at the restaurant are not real nurses. Maybe some people really do think if they keel over after eating one of these meals, they have the staff on hand prepared for a life-threatening situation.

The concept is cute, and when you first hear about it, you probably laugh and think it's funny. Still, this place speaks volumes on the mindset and excess of Western culture. Big-sized meals. Extra fat & grease. The opportunity to drool over young girls that only smile at you for a bigger tip. I don't know, I'd feel dirty for walking in the place just once. The owner doesn't recommend you eat there every day of the week (once or twice a week is ok) and goes on to say every time you do go, you'll have a good time.

But really, in the end, shouldn't this place be closed?

I couldn't agree more BP. This place is horrible, it truly epitomizes westernized gluttony and greed. It truly depicts –albeit at the fast food level- the large divide between the bourgeoisie and the poor class. A man can sit at a table order a quadruple burger which -under my assumption would be a minimum of 1000 cals plus fries and a drink you are looking at over 2000cals for one meal. 1500-2000+ cals is an average daily intake.

There are those who can hardly find the money to get by and those who have no money what so ever and you get this moron who thinks that it is acceptable to eat way more then he needs –not to mention what his heart and arteries look like…sorry anonymous but you are way off the guy who ordered that burger and the owner of that place are fighting for the winner of the true idiot.

What is wrong with the North American psyche??? Just bc we have the means to do something doesn’t mean that we have to do it.
Hey, they followed the American Dream, they got theirs, and now they get to do what they want with it. Even if it's killing them. So's smoking, drinking, etc...

Did they trick someone into eating there? Put a gun to their heads?

Naw, it's too easy to say shut it down, but what you really need to do is educate folks as to the reasons why you think it should be shut down.

Which ties in nicely to the first poster's comment: Everyone's entitled to their opinion, obviously something that "anonymous" forgot when he called you an idiot. He should have said "In my opinion, that's an idiotic position to take". Once you generalize about the communicator instead of the communication, you're no better than the person making the point you disagree with.

Actually, I'll go so far as to call his original statement idiotic.

Blogs are powerful things, anonymous, and can allow for a great exchange of ideas from people interested in a wide variety of topics.

Thanks for ruining the Internet.

Look at mister 2 fudge flat tops in one sitting, criticizing this place. I would expect you to be the first in line you hot shot hog.
You are right stan and well put, this should be an exchange of ideas. We do need to educate the masses on everything from healthy living, sustainable development, environmental practices, proper political choices…

I would assume that the average American –probably the average Canadian as well- doesn’t know that obesity is second and will soon be taking over the first spot from smoking, as the highest preventable deaths/year. Anti-smoking is working and the anti-obesity bill is slowly chugging along.

We aren’t here for ever so I understand that we are all allowed our vices –god knows I have my vice- but we need to have a limit.

So the question is: who is morally wrong? The proprietor of this artery hardening black lung causing establishment? Or the guy who sits down and orders his heart attack in a basket supporting this type of gluttony?

Well maybe I am asking to much as we are talking about the US, the same people that have voted in the goofy child president several times now…

And really-sorry for the language BP but you know I am an a**hole- Anonymous 1 & 2 don't even have a pair of balls to put up their names when they attack BP...Panzies
Everyone knows I have a weakness for dessert, you got me. I think a lot of it has to with not getting many desserts growing up. A lot of families automatically have it with their meals, but for me it was about a once a week thing. I think I'm making up for all those lost sweets now!

I'm going to take the time to defend myself, because as much as I enjoy food, many think that every night it's pizza and burgers with me. It really isn't. Lunch now is chicken salad. That's right...salad. If I ever do go to Macdonald's, 99% of the time I get a deli sandwich on whole wheat and don't get any fries.

Anyway Mr. Forts, keep that potty mouth coming! Just like you, I think there are moral responsibilities with these places. There are many who just eat and don't think about what they're doing. Many people just think it's the portions that it make bad but it's also the content that makes these foods bad for you. It's ok to let loose once in a while, but my fear is many don't. My dad died of a heart attack at 35, and none of these places were around when that happened and he didn't even smoke, so why would we open these sort of joints that encourage it now?
What I find most disgusting about this place is not that it opened, I would expect nothing less from a country that puts gluttony and entertainment above education, health and poverty. And I could get into a whole rant about social responsibility...and how they are marketing cigarrettes on their menu with heart attack burgers....

But what disgusts me the most is when I went to the website and found that parents were brining their children to this joint. It is one thing to choose to eat there on your own as an adult no matter how disgusting it may be, but it is another thing entirely to bring your children there and I see it as utterly immoral. In fact they even promote father son eating competitions. The child in one of the pictures can't be more than 7 years old.

I'd advocate that bringing a child to a hooters-like atmosphere which promotes, cigarettes, gluttony and sex is a combination of social irresponsibility and bad parenting.
People shouldn't generalize but in my experience in the U.S. lately (and I've been twice in the last year), the portions are huge and those portions barely ever have crazy things like vegetables.

Secondly, I don't think it is, but it's not difficult to figure out why some people might think it's pizza and burgers all the time for you SBP.

Gee, could it be your messaging?

Feb 11 posting - After that, pizza and Sens hockey followed...

Feb 7 posting - double cheese, double bacon and double chicken.

Jan 29 posting - gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme that cake
Saturday it's gimme gimme gimme those ribs. I'll be in Montreal to see the Habs game and the plan is Bar-B-Barn first. I just can't avoid it.
It's a sad day when I'm not the one making the infuriating anonymous postings....

And you guys can say what you want, I'd try the place out for sure. And while I can truly understand how you guys think the place is can you say it should be closed? Because it's unhealthy? Who cares. I'm getting quite tired of government having to legislate 'intelligence'. Is obesity dangerous? Yes. Is it out-of-control? Maybe. But who are you to tell me what/where I can and can't eat? Those are decision people need to make on their own and for themselves.

Wait...does this mean I sort of agree with Alex? Can I change my mind?
In my opinion, sometimes intelligence does have to be legislated. I think we take for granted the intelligence levels of our friends (and ourselves for that matter) and assume everyone else has at least the same level of common sense. But that's not the case. There are plenty of people that are ignorant, stupid and struggle making every-day decisions through no fault of their own. Could the Forrest Gumps of the world see the harm of going to this place? No.

And like Tracy mentioned, what parent would take their child to this place? A stupid one,that's who. Do you think an 8 year old is thinking of their health when they're eating a triple bypass burger? Of course not, they just care about size and taste; they don't know any better. So if their parents aren't looking out for them, who will?

Obviously, there's no real way this can be policed and restaurants like these likely won't close, but flourish. But as long as the debate is there, it's at least a subtle way of making people stop and think about what they're doing if they're smart enough to do so, and maybe touches into the conscience of others deciding what to do in their next business venture, and perhaps persuade them not go into something that does more harm than good on society.

BTW Paulie, I never thought you were the anonymous guy.
Ben, I agree with you. Up to a point. But where does it end? When we bubble wrap our kids before sending them anywhere?

If you think we need special legislation becaue of dumb people then we need to start with everyone's birth right. After all, shouldn't we be stopping the real problem at its source? So maybe that's the only thing that needs to be legislated: Dumb people are not allowed to reproduce.
...and I agree with Paul about legislating intelligence? It's bizarro world!

Legislation in society has its place in keeping a level playing field and giving everyone the opportunity to make the best choices for themselves. However, it should always stop short of making those choices for them - Otherwise, where do you draw that line? Which choices are people free to make and which are better handled by the government?

The truth is, democracy can't exist without free will. Some people take advantage of it to improve their lives, others use it as a way to make poor choices. Either way, it balances out the rights and freedoms of everyone.

Here's an example: Lately, student groups have claimed that someone with a University education will earn as much as a million dollars more over their lifetime than those without. So: Do we legislate that, since it's good for people, that everyone should go to University? It'd never work.

Besides, if you teach all these folks to eat healthy and make better food choices for themselves, it'd bring our pension system to its knees! :)
I think the government needs to take a more proactive role and should legislate some things.

The government has a responsibility to protect the public health from risks. A major undeniable risk in society today is the ever increasing obesity epidemic, which yes is real and has been recognized by Western societies and the World Health Organization.

The government has a responsibility to make legislation, policy, programs etc... to discourage obesity among adults and children and protect the health of the population.

Although taken at face value eating a heart attack burger seems like an individual choice and so let them do as they please, after all they are just hurting themselves right?

However, not only does food like the heart attack burger hurt the individual but it has catastrophic consequences to the economy including outrageous "preventable" health care costs, increased disability and absenteeism days from work, reduced productivity for those at work.

This is not just an individual problem but has both micro and macro level implications. Although education may help, the problem requires a much more ecological approach which includes government and stakeholder involvement.
Good points, T. However, if they're going to take the approach of legislating against harm, they'd do it with smoking first. Then booze. Then sandwiches.

And the length of time from when they proved that smoking caused cancer (first in 1950, confirmed by US Surgeon General in '64) to putting warnings on packages was like 20 years.

What're they gonna do, legislate portion control? Calorie content? A bite of salad for every bite of beef?

They're doing pretty much all they can do with things like removing trans-fats, and industry (like McDonalds) adding "healthier" menu items.

Right or wrong, the government is never going to put the tobacco, booze or food service industries into a situation where they stand to lose billions. All they can do is tax those industries as much as the market will allow and pass those costs onto the addicted/uneducated consumer.

Hmmmm, interesting... maybe they could come up with a fat tax?
What's the big deal really? If you don't want to eat a 6 lb burger then don't, but if the guy next to you wants to chow down than let him. I don't understand why people feel they have to tell others what to do because THEY don't like something. If you want to do something then do it. If others don't like it? Who cares!
It just occurred to me: This would be one of the few restaurants that would actually promote SMOKING A FRY!
That was awesome I love stupid people glad they posted that up there...and the fact that they assume that I am PC hahah!!!

anonymous what would your "wussie" online name be??? I love how people can make comments but can't be brave enough to provide their identity.
Lol was that you stan???

CNNmoney put The heart attack grill as the 33rd worst 101 business ideas!
Sorry the link wasn't wroking this one should...
Insightful words "who cares"!
I thought there was a bit more to the discussion then a simple black and white discussion about personal choices.
Hey Freeze, you've been called out! Are you just going to sit there and take it!?!?
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