Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Yup, I saw it

One thing I always give credit to actors for is whether or not a comedy is any good, I'll always appreciate those who will do anything for a laugh. And for Johnny Knoxville & the gang, they take that probably too far for their own good.

This isn't a movie that I can really recommend, I mean, there are too many scenes that just outright revolted me. I had to literally look away from the screen because I was so grossed out, and I don't want to type out the scenes in question because it might make you throw up.

However, a lot of the scenes involving physical pain made me laugh. It doesn't really make sense, for example you got a scene where these morons are on a teeter-totter while a bull is ready to maul them. And when the bull is successful and they get run over and slammed against the ring boards...damn, that's funny! They're in pain! They're rolling on the ground asking for medical attention! Why do I find this amusing?

Anyway, I should probably apologize for giving money to fare like this, but, I had an alright time. It's probably not worth a full price admission...but probably worth a free download from torrents.

I'll go see something more meaningful and worthwhile next time, promise!

Song in the head: "Ring of Fire" Johnny Cash
Current X-box game: Doom 3

I don't think that I will pay to see this movie at the theaters as I didn't with the first.

I agree with the gross scenes. I watch some but fast forward through most which is another reason why I watch it at home.

There is something in that humor though, the practical jokes, the stunts, not sure if it is just stupid funny or if it reminds me of myself and my buddies in high school when we would try to find the dumbest things to do to someone else or ourselves just for the humor and the attention I guess...

What I wish they would do with the Jackass movies is add a little more skating. That is why I like Viva La Bam, you get to watch some pro skating like Tim O'Connor, Jason Ellis, Donny Barley, Hawk and Bam surrounded by stupid stunts and games.

Just my take on it, but then again this is coming from a man who is going to Canadian tire today to price boat air horns to scare the sh*t out of my father and best man in the next couple of days…
A sure sign of Forts' maturity: He's going out to *price* air horns... :)
Thanks buddy at least you have seen that I am mature enough to look for a deal on my purchase of air horns...
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