Sunday, August 13, 2006

The 'Gades Returning?

Funny how just a few months can make so much difference. When it was announced the Ottawa Renegades would not play this season and needs new ownership, most wrote them off as never playing a game in Ottawa again.

But, here we are with three different groups proposing to be the new owners of the team. The leading candidate is Golden Gate Corporation with Ottawa 67s owner Jeff Hunt leading the helm. He turned the 67s franchise around after low attendance and the emergence of an NHL franchise in the same city. He knows the city very well and local leadership is something this team needs. It's no longer a question of if Ottawa returns to the CFL, it's a done deal, it's just a question of who will be in charge.

BTW, it would be idiotic to go back to the old name of Rough Riders. There's already a Roughriders in town, Saskatchewan. Plus paying $100,000 for the rights to do that just adds to the stupidity.

So...does anyone who reads this care?

I second that!
What the heck *is* a rouge, anyways???
Scroll down to "single" under scoring
"Scored when the ball becomes dead in possession of a team in its own goal area or when the ball touches or crosses the deadline, or side-line-in-goal, and touches the ground, a player, or some object beyond these lines as a result of the ball having been kicked from the field of play into the goal area by the scoring team (worth one point).
At one time the single was called a rouge (French for "red"); this term is still recognized in the official rulebook, but is otherwise obsolete. In early Canadian football rules the point was deducted from a team failing to advance the ball from the end zone. If a team had no points, this put them "in the red", with a negative score."

I still don't get it.
Seems kind of dumb to me...isn't that a touchback??
Where can I order my Dexter Manley jersey?????
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