Monday, July 24, 2006

Diet Coke + Mentos = Fun!

Apparently, this is what happens when you add a Mentos to a bottle of Diet Coke. Even CNN picked up on the story and, yup, this is what really does happen when you mix the two together:

this is an interesting but all that new. the guys in that video - plus the others on YOUTUBE are just getting started. Behold the true potential of the combination.
for the above link, highlight the whole thing (it goes off the screen, just drag across) and paste.
I can't access this stuff from work... What does it do???
It shows a video of these two dudes dressed as scientists putting mentos in bottles of diet coke, and what happens next is that the soda shoots out of the bottle in a steady stream. It's pretty freaky when you think about it, I mean, what the heck is in all that stuff.
This video has been removed due to copyright infringement.

Boooo. I didn't get to see it!
I found it... I searched diet coke on thatviedosite and found one.
Here's the videosite link, cut & paste:
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