Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Same ol' Same ol'

An anonymous post suggested I give my 2 cents on the Tory budget just announced yesterday. Not a bad idea. In the end, I am not going to do sommersaults over it. There's nothing for the unmarried, no children, male in the 18-35 age bracket like me. Oh yeah, the GST goes down from 7% to 6%. But look at it this way: If I pay $5,000 over the course of the year in goods (not likely to happen), I will spend $300 instead of $350 in GST. Hardly the windfall the Conservatives made it sound like we'd be getting. On the other hand, if you decide this is the year to buy your new home or car, well, I'd wait to do so until July 1st.

Within the budget is an agenda to find $2 billion in government "savings". Yeah right. That's another word for "cuts", and which area exactly will be affected: health care, education or maybe jobs, isn't so clear.

Another metaphorical kick to the groin is that low-income earners will actual see an INCREASE in their income tax. The lowest income tax rate goes up half a point that will add another $180 to the average tax bill. But hey, poor people don't vote Conservative, so who cares?

All in all, my life isn't going to change a bit. I won't be contemplating another vacation or deciding to go to an extra Sens game because of that extra cash in my wallet.

Nope, for this 18 to 35 year-old male, life is exactly the same.

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