Monday, May 15, 2006


(Use the voice from that old "Deep Woods" commercial everytime you read NEGATIVE EQUITY)

You might recall sometime ago I was contemplating giving up my Jeep to drive something a little cheaper in an effort to save a bit of dough. They appraised the vehicle and unfortunately, I have NEGATIVE EQUITY.

I test drove the Chevy Cobalt and liked it, but it didn't matter. NEGATIVE EQUITY made my decision easy to hold onto the Jeep. Oh sure, they were willing to take care of my NEGATIVE EQUITY by having me finance it over the term of my new lease agreement, but I decided against it.

C'est la vie. That's ok though, I like my TJ.

negative equity... sounds like another SBP Screwjob to me! (and yeah, negotiate!)
I guess it's tough negotiating a deal like that when you also want to cash in some GM points, huh SBP?

Go see Monty Hall about a Subaru Impreza!!!!!!
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