Thursday, April 27, 2006

Telling Tells

Playing online and playing in person has enough difference that both may be considered two completely different things. It is so much easier to run a bluff in the privacy of your own home, while trying to push a big stack of chips in the middle of a pot while many sets of eyes are staring at you can be intimidating to say the least.

You should practice observing the players' actions and try to figure out what they mean. Remember, each action means something. It could mean "I have nothing" it could mean "Should I bet?" and it could mean "Please oh please fold!" Here are some different "tells", actions other players make that reveal the strength of their hand, that can help you understand their meaning:

- A player who glances at her chips after looking at her cards usually means she likes her cards and is getting ready to bet

- A player who looks at your chips usually means she envisions her chips being on your side of the table (a.k.a. weak)

- A player who quickly and forcefully throws their chips in the middle usually means weakness

- A player who bets their chips close to them usually means strength

- A player who uses low value chips to bet when it's practical to use the high denomination chips usually means weakness (they are trying to intimidate others by placing a big stack in front of them)

- A player who leans back, with or without their hands behind their head, usually means strength.

- A player who leans into the table usually is weak

- A player who is talking to you while you're deciding whether or not to call is usually strong

- A player whose hands are shaking is usually strong

The basic denominator in most of these tells is "strong means weak, weak means strong". People subconsciously try to hide their intentions by doing the opposite.

I'll discuss other tells in my next poker entry.

Here's another "weak" tell:

A player who doesn't know what they are doing and doesn't really care just plays cards and leaves the overanalyzing and victory to SBP...
I can attest to the `victory` part... DANG that guy knows his poker.
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