Friday, November 18, 2005

An SBP tip to keep you fit!

Ok, who honestly can't wait to get up at 6 o'clock in the morning to jog 10K in the rain, snow or blistering heat? No one, repeat, no one, that's who! If we could stay healthy and have a decent physique without having to hop on the stationary bike, I'd say 99% of us would opt not to bother with exercise.

Of course, that isn't reality. We must do some form of physical activity to keep in shape. But it can be hard to motivate yourself to do it. We find excuses not to bother, and soon enough it's back on the couch with remote in hand to watch "Family Guy", while munching on a bag of two-bite brownies (mmmm!).

A trick that helps me out is simple: As soon as I get home from work, I head straight to my bedroom to put on my t-shirt and shorts for my treadmill workout. And that's it! Althought in my mind it's not exactly something I'm dying to do, walking around my apartment in my athletic gear is a not-so subtle reminder it needs to be done. And really, getting ready for it is half the battle.

Since employing this technique, I've increased my 2-3 workouts a week to 4-5. If it works for me, hey, maybe it'll work for you, too! Now get on that treadmill tubby! :)

OK... I'm leaving work... I'm going home... I'm going straight upstairs to put my gym clothes on... How does the rest of it go again??
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